*** As
seen in
the 1966 Toho Co Ltd. film ***
"Furankenshutain no Kaijû: Sanda tai Gaira"
"The War of the
Gargantuas" (USA)
Japan Poster Night Fight
Scene - Gaira vs. Sanda
US Video Release
KZ Series 10 - #1 : "Hello John, the Gargantua brothers arrived this weekendAll Photos Copyright ©KaijuZoo Toys 2009
and they are amazing. The features and small details are perfect.
You really do have a great deal of talent. Thank you very much.
P.S. Having seen these two incredible figures, I can hardly wait
to see what you can do with the Megalon model." - Joel B.
KZ Series 10 - #2 : "John, I got the figures last Friday. They are AWESOME!
I have them proudly displayed in my basement in between all of my Bandai figures.
I have waited years to have some nice Gargantua figures and they have finally arrived.
I cannot wait to put them next to 15 inch Bandai DX Godzilla figure from the early 90's.
Many Thanks." - Rick G.
KZ Series 10 - #3 : "Jonee...they are incredible! Congratulations on an incredible
and beautiful job. Now my challenge is to find a spot worthy of them.
Thanks again for all your hard work." - David Durrett
And also check out David's own artistic version of the Gargantuas!! - JDG
KZ Series 10 - #4 : "Hello John, I got the set and the detail on them is wonderful,
lots of color and fine paint work. The result of your labor on the Gargantuas is something special,
I'm very happy to have them especially since you don't see many figure/model
kit representations of those two characters, which is a shame. The fact
that these two figures have been built and painted so skillfully by you is
a huge plus as well of course. The base is also a great bonus.
Thanks for everything and I look forward to what's next." - Frank B. 3/2009
KZ Series 10 - #5 : "Hi John! I just received the Gargantuas set and ........
Wow! these look even better than on the website! I'm very fascinated at the paint detail
of these sculpts and am very, very impressed at the expertise of your craftsmanship.
I am very happy with it and consider myself very fortunate to be able
to purchase the last set available. These are going in a special place
along my other Furankenshutain no kaiju: Sanda tai Gaira collectibles.
Thank you! Will look forward to doing business with you again!" - Santiago J. 5/2009